This is the most complicated puzzle box in our shop with 116 Movements to open it!!!
Series limited to 25 boxes.
All copies have already been sold!
The challenge of the Architecturo puzzle box
To open this box, you will have to perform 116 movements, which is a real challenge! And that is the key word of this mechanical puzzle like no other, the CHALLENGE. If you're up to it, you'll be amazed at the level of complexity this enigmatic cube has demanded.
The impossible is also what inspired Architecturo. Moreover, this creation took its breath from the works of Maurits Cornelis Escher, a painter who had as a credo the combinations of the impossible and the exploration of the infinite.
This secret box represents with meticulousness and finesse a lively and enigmatic city in which people live in multiple dimensions next to each other, but without ever crossing paths.
It's also a way of winking at relativity, especially with the 3 stairs at the back of the box.
You will have as much pleasure in solving the puzzle as in immersing yourself in the universe of these multidimensional cities.
Architecto wooden mechanical puzzle, an architectural gem 1 year of work is what it took for our team to model this poplar plywood jewel!
And for good reason, this puzzle box is a very complex work that hides a lot of details and which is designed on the basis of a composition with a vivid imagination.
That's why we decided to create it in a limited series. Therefore, only 24 pieces are produced.
Architecto is also equipped with lighting.
Assembled product dimensions: 17.5 x 21 x 19 cm
Who is the Architecturo puzzle for?
As you will understand, Architecturo is the most complex and daring piece of the NKD Puzzle store.
Therefore, we estimate its puzzle solving difficulty to be 5 out of 5.
Therefore, we recommend it only to adults and more specifically to people who have already experienced some of our previous creations.
Simplement fantastique !
Simply fantastic! (Translated review)
La boîte à énigme Architecto me fait de l'œil depuis pas mal de temps mais je n'ai jamais franchi le pas. Le coût pour l'obtenir montée n'est pas à ma portée et la version "à monter" me file une peur bleue !
Quand vous notez 5/5 pour la complexité du montage, vous faites référence à quoi ? la patience qu'il faut pour le terminer ou une vraie expertise nécessaire pour le terminer ?
Mercid par avance pour votre réponse
L'Architecto est un kit qui demande à s'armer de patience, puisqu'il faut compter environ 200h de montage pour la version en kit. Cependant, bien qu'il faille de nombreuses heures pour le terminer, le montage ne présente pas de difficultés majeures, même si quelques étapes sont un peu techniques.
Sachez également que dans tous les cas, notre SAV reste à disposition des clients pour les aider sur le montage en cas de besoin !
Au plaisir de vous voir franchir le pas :)
NKD Puzzle
I am building the Architecto puzzle box kit, and I am having trouble working with the smallest LEDs. I've broken a couple, and need to acquire some spares. Can anyone tell me where I could get them?
Thank you
Hi !
When a problem occurs during assembly, do not hesitate to contact our after sales team (contact@nkdpuzzle.com), and they will do their best to answer your question.
If you wish to purchase LED separately, you can check our ""spare parts"" list of products using the following link :
NKD Puzzle
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