Terms of Sales
SIRET 85193095800026
462 BC. Joseph Vallot, 34700 Lodeve, France
09 50 55 61 24
UID: FR284934_12RVMN
ARTICLE 1 - Scope

These General Conditions of Sale (the "General Conditions") are concluded between SAS NKD Puzzle and any person wishing to make a purchase on the site.

Before placing an order, the user declares to have read the following provisions and expressly accepts the terms set out below.

Placing an order implies the user's full and unreserved acceptance of these T&Cs.
These General Conditions of Sale apply to the exclusion of all other conditions, and in particular those applicable to sales in stores or through other distribution and marketing channels.
They are accessible at any time on the “nkd-puzzle.com” website and will prevail, where applicable, over any other version or any other contradictory document.
The General Conditions of Sale may be subject to subsequent modifications, the version applicable to the Customer's purchase is that in force on the website on the date of placing the order.
Changes to the General Terms and Conditions of Sale are binding on users of the "nkd-puzzle.com" website from the time they are put online and cannot be applied to transactions concluded previously.


PROTECTION OF MINORS The purchase of Products is reserved for persons with the capacity to contract within the meaning of Articles 1123 and 1124 of the French Civil Code.
The articles governed by these General Conditions are those which appear on the nkd-puzzle.com Website. They are offered within the limits of available stocks.
NKD Puzzle strives to present contractual photos, the shades of color and the rendering of the materials presented on the screen may be different from reality, depending on the lighting or the resolution of the USER's screen .

In case of unavailability of an article, the user will be informed as soon as possible.
The customer can choose between reimbursement or waiting for the seller to restock.
The prices of the products are exclusive of delivery costs (shipping, packaging and making of the package according to the amounts in force).
The amount of the delivery costs will be specified on the order form before validation of the order. If one or more taxes or contributions, in particular environmental, were to be created or modified, up or down, this change may be passed on to the selling price of the Products present on the Website and on the various sales media. However, the price cannot be changed once the User's order has been validated.


The USER must create an account on the seller's website to order online. The data recorded by NKD Puzzle when placing the order constitutes proof of transactions between the seller and the USER.

In certain cases, in particular non-payment, incorrect address or other problem on the user's account, the seller reserves the right to block the user's order until the problem is resolved. Once the basket has been validated, the user must accept the General Conditions, choose the address and the delivery method, and finally validate the payment method, this last step formalizing the sales contract between the seller and the user. The seller will acknowledge receipt of the order upon validation by sending an email.
The prices are those in force on the "nkd-puzzle.com" website at the time of the order.
The USER can pay for his purchases by different payment methods: - bank card (Carte Bleue), - credit card (Visa, MasterCard, American Express), - the PayPal secure payment system. THE SELLER sends the products through Laposte postal services. The seller ships his products within 48 working hours of receiving the order. However, the seller cannot guarantee the delivery time, which depends on the conditions of Laposte, which the USER declares to accept without recourse against the NKD Puzzle Company.

Nkd Puzzle reserves the right to change the delivery method according to the contracts established by Laposte. However, if these conditions were to change, the user will not pay any additional costs in relation to his initial order. In the event that the Product(s) cannot be delivered, it will be returned to the SELLER and it will be up to the USER to contact the SELLER to schedule a new delivery. If, despite all the efforts of the SELLER to satisfy the USER, the USER is not satisfied with his purchase, he will have a period of fourteen (14) days to exercise his right of withdrawal.

In accordance with the legal provisions in force, the Customer (USER) has a period of FOURTEEN (14) days from receipt of the Product to exercise his right of withdrawal from the Seller, without having to justify reasons or pay a penalty, for exchange or refund, provided that the Products are returned in their original packaging and in perfect condition within FOURTEEN (14) days at the latest following notification to the Seller of the withdrawal decision client.
In the event of exercise of the right of withdrawal within the aforementioned period, only the price of the Product(s) purchased and the delivery costs will be reimbursed, the return costs remaining the responsibility of the Customer.

Any damaged and/or opened product will remain the responsibility of the USER and will not be returned or exchanged. NKD Puzzle undertakes to reimburse the customer who has exercised his right of withdrawal the sums paid as soon as possible and at the latest within fourteen (14) days following the exercise of the right of withdrawal. In the event of a defect noted on the product upon receipt, the USER must contact customer service within a maximum period of 14 days following the date of receipt of the package and provide photos of the damage observed. An exchange will then be offered or a refund if applicable.

The USER must contact the SELLER before returning the Products. The Products must be returned in their original packaging to the address provided by the SELLER.

Return Address NKD-Puzzle
34700 LOVEVE
In France

The USER must highlight his order number and name for faster processing. The return for an exchange of a defective product will be the responsibility of the SELLER provided that the product is returned within 14 days of the date of receipt of its goods. Beyond 14 days the product will not be taken back or exchanged. The CUSTOMER must advance the return costs, once the product has been returned and the defect has been noted by THE SELLER, the return costs will be reimbursed by the SELLER provided that the fourteen-day period has been respected. The Customer must send a photo of the return form or an invoice to be reimbursed. If you paid with your Paypal account, a postage reimbursement offer is available. The products are subject to the following legal warranty conditions:
- Legal guarantee of conformity, for Products that are apparently defective or do not correspond to the order, subject to the consumer providing proof that the goods do not comply with the contractual stipulations / do not comply with the order,
-Legal guarantee against hidden defects resulting from a defect in material, design or manufacture affecting the products delivered and rendering them unfit for use,

The Products are thus guaranteed against any defect resulting from a defect in material, manufacture or design.
The defect must be reported within 14 days of the date of receipt of the Product. Beyond 14 days the guarantee cannot be applied.
The warranty is excluded in the event of defects caused by: – negligence, overloading or misuse of the product – perforation of the product linked to an external object or element – ​​any use of the product outside the scope for which it was designed. The SELLER undertakes to describe with the greatest accuracy the products sold on the Website.
The seller cannot be held liable in the event that the non-performance of its obligations is attributable either to the unforeseeable and insurmountable event of a third party to the contract or to a case of force majeure as defined by French case law.
The USER undertakes to comply with the instructions for use attached to the Product.
The Products are sold subject to retention of title: Nkd Puzzle retains ownership of the products until payment of the full price in principal, interest, costs and accessories.


Custody of the Products is transferred to the user upon delivery of the Products. In the event of total or partial non-payment of the price on the due date for any reason whatsoever, by express agreement, the SELLER has the option, without prior formal notice, of materially repossessing the Products at the expense, risk and perils of the user.
Indeed, the transfer of ownership of the Products from the Seller, to the benefit of the Customer, will only be carried out after full payment of the price by the latter, and this regardless of the date of delivery of the said Products.
Irrespective of the date of the transfer of ownership of the Products, the transfer of the risks of loss and deterioration relating thereto will only take place when the Customer takes physical possession of the Products. The Products therefore travel at the Seller's risk and peril.

The USER undertakes to respect the intellectual property rights belonging to the NKD PUZZLE, whether those of the Website or those relating to the products ordered.
All elements of the "nkd-puzzle.fr" Website, whether visual or audio, including the underlying technology, are protected by copyright. Similarly, the trademarks, logos, designs and models appearing on the Website are the exclusive property of the seller. Their disclosure can in no way be interpreted as granting any license or right to use any of the said trademarks and distinctive elements protected by copyright. They cannot therefore be used under penalty of infringement. Thus, none of the documents from the Website may be copied, reproduced, republished, downloaded, posted, transmitted or distributed in any way whatsoever. However, it is possible to download a copy of the documents on a computer for the personal use of the user and only for non-commercial purposes, provided that the User does not modify the information contained and that he keeps intact all copyrights and other proprietary notices. The modification of these documents or their use for another purpose constitutes an infringement of the intellectual property rights of the SELLER.

Placing an order with the seller involves the transmission by the user of personal data essential to the processing of the request.
In accordance with the Data Protection Act and the European regulations on the protection of personal data ("RGPD") in force, the user has a right of access and rectification and deletion of his personal data upon written request. by e-mail or post. The information collected is reserved for the operation of the Site and is strictly confidential. The file has been the subject of a declaration, in accordance with the prescriptions required by the law "Informatique et Libertés" n ° 78-17 of January 6, 1978, modified by law n ° 2004-801 of August 6, 2004 (n ° 1706686V0) and by Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of April 27, 2016, on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data

Nkd Puzzle strives to ensure the integrity and confidentiality of the data entered and transmitted by the user. However, it cannot exclude technical failures, manipulation or loss of data. The SELLER reserves the right, for the proper use of its Site, to place “cookies” on the user’s computer and to access them. The "cookie" does not allow the SELLER to identify the user; on the other hand, it records information relating to the navigation of the user's computer on the Site (the pages you have consulted, the date and time of the consultation, etc.) which can be read during visits later on the Site. The USER may oppose the registration of "cookies" by configuring his browser in the appropriate manner.

Each browser being different, it is recommended that the USER consult the help of his browser for the configuration of the acceptance of cookies.

NKD Puzzle is not able to guarantee the constant availability of the Site.
NKD Puzzle cannot be held liable for any inconvenience or damage inherent in the use of the Internet network, in particular a break in service, external intrusion, the presence of computer viruses or other involuntary problems.

The Seller provides the Customer with a customer support service for any request relating to the Products. In this regard, the Customer may send an email to the following address: nkdpuzzle@gmail.com
More generally, any request concerning these General Conditions, including requests relating to the Customer's Personal Data and his right of rectification or deletion must be addressed to the Vendor, at the choice:
- By email: nkdpuzzle@gmail.com
- By post: NKD PUZZLE, 462 avenue Joseph Vallot, 34700 Lodève, FRANCE

These General Terms and Conditions of Sale and the resulting transactions are governed by French law.
They are written in French. In the event that they are translated into one or more languages, only the French text shall prevail in the event of a dispute.

All disputes to which the purchase and sale transactions concluded in application of these general conditions of sale could give rise, concerning their validity, their interpretation, their execution, their termination, their consequences and their consequences and which could not have be resolved between the Seller and the Customer will be submitted to the competent courts under the conditions of common law.
The Customer is informed that he can in any case resort to conventional mediation, in particular with the Consumer Mediation Commission (article L 612-1 of the Consumer Code) or with sectoral mediation bodies. existing ones, or to any alternative dispute resolution method (conciliation, for example) in the event of a dispute.

The fact for a natural (or legal) person to order on the “nkd-puzzle.fr” website implies full and complete acceptance and acceptance of these General Conditions of Sale and obligation to pay for the Products ordered, which is expressly acknowledged. by the Customer, who waives, in particular, to avail himself of any contradictory document, which would be unenforceable against the Seller.