Pack of wooden construction games Nkd Puzzle

Pack of wooden construction games Nkd Puzzle NKD Puzzle - 1
Pack of wooden construction games Nkd Puzzle NKD Puzzle - 2
Pack of wooden construction games Nkd Puzzle NKD Puzzle - 3
Pack of wooden construction games Nkd Puzzle NKD Puzzle - 4
Pack of wooden construction games Nkd Puzzle NKD Puzzle - 5
Pack of wooden construction games Nkd Puzzle NKD Puzzle - 6
Pack of wooden construction games Nkd Puzzle NKD Puzzle - 7
Pack of wooden construction games Nkd Puzzle NKD Puzzle - 8
Pack of wooden construction games Nkd Puzzle NKD Puzzle - 9
Pack of wooden construction games Nkd Puzzle NKD Puzzle - 10
Pack of wooden construction games Nkd Puzzle NKD Puzzle - 1
Pack of wooden construction games Nkd Puzzle NKD Puzzle - 2
Pack of wooden construction games Nkd Puzzle NKD Puzzle - 3
Pack of wooden construction games Nkd Puzzle NKD Puzzle - 4
Pack of wooden construction games Nkd Puzzle NKD Puzzle - 5
Pack of wooden construction games Nkd Puzzle NKD Puzzle - 6
Pack of wooden construction games Nkd Puzzle NKD Puzzle - 7
Pack of wooden construction games Nkd Puzzle NKD Puzzle - 8
Pack of wooden construction games Nkd Puzzle NKD Puzzle - 9
Pack of wooden construction games Nkd Puzzle NKD Puzzle - 10

Special games gift pack:
inside the pack a Serpento KIT + Pyramido KIT + Abradacabra)




Discover a pack that brings together our wooden games to make an ethical and fun gift
This is the opportunity to discover

the Serpento
KIT This DIY wooden articulated snake is a smart and ethical construction game.
Make your own Serpento and discover its fun moves

Pyramido KIT
With the Pyramido Kit, make your own pyramid inspired by a real archaeological monument, this pyramid once built is also a 3D tease!

Finally a puzzle that makes a magic trick

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Pack of wooden construction games Nkd Puzzle
Reviews about this product

Based on 8 reviews

  • 5

    Simpa pour commencer

  • 5

    Simpa for starters (Translated review)

  • 5

    Très bon pack.

  • 5

    Very good pack. (Translated review)

  • 5

    I like the game pack. It was not that much more expensive than the Mechnigma was by itself. Good deal. Thanks, Michael

  • 5

    I like the game pack. It was not that much more expensive than the Mechnigma was by itself. Good deal. Thanks, Michael (Translated review)

  • 4

    Le produit ne sera ouvert qu'à la noël.

    Merchant's answer

    Merci pour votre retour et la confiance que vous nous avez accordé. Nous espérons que l'ouverture à Noël aura fait son effet !

  • 4

    The product will not be opened until Christmas. (Translated review)

    Merchant's answer

    Thank you for your feedback and your confidence in us. We hope the Christmas opening has had an effect!


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Fred MAUREL 2023-01-11

Salut, avez vous des casses tête énigmes adaptés aux CM1 CM2 ?? Autre question, avez vous un thème lié à l'histoire de France (peu importe la période... coffre pirate, enigma, château fort, serrure prison )
Bravo pour votre prestation sur M6



L'ensemble de nos puzzle box / casse tête / jeux en bois peuvent être manipulés et résolus par des élèves de CM1 / CM2.

Cependant, nous vous recommandons de considérer ces deux points pour le choix de vos produits :

- Tous nos produits sont à monter, et peuvent demander de nombreuses heures de montage, ce qui n'est pas toujours évident pour les plus jeunes.
- Concernant les puzzle box, celles de difficulté "moyenne" et "difficile" sont à réserver aux élèves les plus amateurs de puzzle. Pour les autres, nous recommandons de présenter les puzzle box "facile" (MiniPunk, MiniPunk+ ou Silver City)

Par contre, nous n'avons pas de produits directement liés à la thématique de l'histoire de France. (... Même si la Mecanigma a un design inspiré de Jules Verne !)

NKD Puzzle


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Last time this product was added to a cart: 11/26/2020

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